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Studiedag Thomas van Aquino - De Angst!

Fear: what it is, its causes and its effects.
With brother Thomas Dunton, csj.

Saturday 24th May 2014
10.00 - 16.00
In Het Leerhuis, Broerestraat 12, Utrecht
AngstschreeuwDuring our annual Thomas Aquinas Study Day* we'll be focusing upon the passion of fear. Aquinas is renowned for his extensive study of the human passions (to be found in part two of his Summa Theologica). In this study he identifies the specific objects of the eleven fundamental passions we experience on a daily basis. Thanks to this objective stance he is able to show how fear can play an essential role in human life, how it can become a debilitating obstacle to our happiness, and what its causes and effects are.
We invite you to come and seek with us, using the insights available from one of humanity's greatest thinkers.
Brother Thomas Dunton is a brother and priest in the Community of Saint John. He studied mathematics at Oxford University, philosophy at Lyon University, and philosophy and theology at the Ecole Saint Jean. He is currently chaplain at the University of East London, living with six other brothers in the community's priory in Forest Gate. He teaches at the Institute of Saint John in central London and at the annual summer Ecclesia Institute in the USA.
* The JohannesAcademie runs 3 to 4 study days per year, each founded upon one of 4 masters: Aristotle, Saint John the Evangelist, Saint Thomas Aquinas, and Fr. Marie-Dominique Philippe o.p. The themes available from these thinkers, teachers and writers are numerous and offer a platform for seeking together to discover man and God in a deeper way.