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Geschreven door  JohannesAcademy International
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European conference: 'Questioning Cultures'

Gate of Dawn, VilniusEuropean countries are very diverse but work together. Why? Peace and the principles of human economics form a rationale for the European Union cooperation project. This was studied in The Hague and London. A very strong element of a united Europe is its millenia old shared cultural history as well. Culture is the topic of our next conference on Europe. We invite you to Lithuania to discover the importance of culture for Europe. Located at the crossroad between western, eastern, central and northern Europe, many influences come together. Its capital Vilnius was European Capital of Culture in 2009 and therefore an excellent location to talk culture. As relevant is the impact of the great wars of the last century on this country. Nazism and communism formed cultural shocks and after many years of occupation Lithuanians got their freedom back, also their cultural freedom.
How does Lithuania deal with its culture ever since? And can other countries learn from the cultural challenges this country had? Can we together (re)discover a certain European order in the different cultures that shape Europe; by looking at the case study of Lithuania?

Conditions for application

Age: between 20 and 30 years
Participating countries: The Netherlands, Belgium, France, Lituania, Switzerland, Roumania, England, Austria
- € 35 for participants from Lithuania
- € 95 for participants coming from Roumania
- € 145 for participants coming from other countries.
This includes full accommodation, international travel expenses (flights) and other expenses for four days and five nights.

Dates:  April 28th-May 1st, 2011 (travelling on the 27th and the 2nd)