Come and see: a weekend to discover religious life

Come and see: a weekend to discover religious life

Van 29 maart 2019 20:00
tot 31 maart 2019 20:00
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Locatie: Vleutenseweg 517, 3532 HK Utrecht, The Netherlands Vleutenseweg 517, 3532 HK Utrecht, The Netherlands

This weekend is meant for anyone who wants to find out more about religious by experiencing it together with brothers, sisters and other young people.

If you are interested in this vocation then its a good idea to "come and see", as Jesus said to His first disciples. It offers you a chance to see a little of what it's really like, to think and pray about it with help from brothers and sisters, and to seek with God.
Sister Isaac, Sister Sina Maria, Br Ignaz Maria and the community of Brothers in Utrecht will help you discover what religious life is like at the Community of St John where we follow in the footsteps of the apostle and beloved disciple. However it's also a useful weeked for anyone wanting to experience more of religious life in general, or of priesthood or other forms of consecrated life.


2019-03-29 20:00:00
2019-03-31 20:00:00

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