"This is cannabis stripped of the cheap exterior afforded it by the opposing yet equally noxious a priori of virtuous well-to-do's and laxist ideologists. Because we're talking about a real human crisis which is taking place right infront of our eyes, on our street corners, at the gateways of our secondary schools.
In this book cannabis is unmasked by its own victims. At last! The originality of this courageous book is that it conveys a truth by moving back and forth between philosophical reflexion and daily experience, showing that cannabis attacks not only the body, but especially the intelligence, the sensibility, and the capacity to discern.
It is a worrying truth indeed, yet so too are the figures. Both need to be looked at face on.
It is also a truth full of hope. We need to listen to those who escaped from cannabis. They are without a doubt wounded and fragile, but they have also become strong because of their wounds and their fragilities.
Behind the mask of a drug that is slow rather than soft, this book opens the floor to those who live this crisis and this hope on a daily basis."
Le Cannabis Démasqué, Ambroise Pic, Éditions du Jubilé 2008