Geschreven door  p. John Mary Jesus
in Nieuws
Hits 25712

Christian Formation Course - information night 18th September

Christian Formation Course Info nightThe JohannesAcademie in Utrecht is launching the Christian Formation Course, an in-depth formation for students and young professionals seeking to go further in their search for truth, along side their studies or work.

The course has 3 modules covering the 3 main areas of life for young christians: human issues dealing the human realities we are and encounter, the meaning of God's revelation in the Bible, and the content of the catholic faith.

Christians and non-christians are all welcome and the "think and seek" approach in the JohannesAcademie makes it possible for a mutually enriching exchange to take place between participants from very different walks of life.

On 18th September there will be a information evening where all 3 modules will be described. Following this evening future participants will be asked to register for the whole year. The modules are as follows:


The world we live in: Ethical visions of today

There are so many different opinions about how to live and what the good life is. In this class we will look into the main currents of ethics we encounter today, from moral relativism to legalist moralism, from stoicism to virtue ethics and evolutionary psychology. We will learn to analyse their influence on us and their value and worth in our lives.

Teacher: Fr. John Mary Jesus


The Gospel of Mark

This part of the course will be a detailed analysis of Mark’s Gospel. Participants will learn the keys to reading Biblical texts and seeing the different layers of meaning. We will learn about different ways of writing and communicating that God uses to convey Revelation.

Teacher: Mgr. Jan Liesen


Catholic Doctrines Explained: Last Things

This module will investigate what Catholic Doctrine is, and focus specifically on the Catholic theology of the Last Things: what exactly are purgatory, eternal life, hell, and why is the Church described as living in the “final times” of the world?

Teacher: Fr. Ignatius


Further details:

There is no pre-class preparation required, but a reading list will be provided for each module so that further reading will be possible for those who wish.

Regular attendance is required, due to the goals of the course which aim at sure and steady continued progress. A maximum of 4 absences in the whole year, or 2 for those following 2 module, is allowed for. More than this and it will no longer make sense for the participant to attend. Should you wish to register as "auditor" (sporadic attendance) please contant us - there will be a limited number of auditor spaces.

The CFC works as a whole and so we discourage people from registering for just 1 or 2 modules, but to attend the course on a weekly basis, following all 3 modules. If this is not possible for you then please let us know.

In order to promote the participation and exchange among students and young adults participation is limited to the under-45's. The modules will also be given in English in order to make the course available to a wider audience. For all questions and discussion Dutch will also be perfectly acceptable!

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