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Cursus St. Mary Magdalen, the "other Mary"

Cursus St. Mary Magdalen, the "other Mary"

Van 05 februari 2021 20:00
tot 05 februari 2021 21:30
Activiteit downloaden

Locatie: Thomas a Kempis Leerhuis, Broerestraat 12, 3532 CP, Utrecht Broerestraat 12, 3532 CP, Utrecht

St. Mary Magdalen, the "other Mary"

Mary Magdalen has an important role in the Gospel. Although she is well known for her impressive conversion from protitute to disciple of Jesus, there is far more to be found in her relationship with her Saviour. She blazes a veritable trail for us as a person who went through a deep interior conversion from a life full of disordered love to the joy of the pure love of Christ. Her life and person share with us a hugely valuable pathway of the "other Mary" who was not Immaculate from te start. We'll be looking at the different moments and dimensions of this woman's life and what they mean for our pathway.

2021-02-05 20:00:00
2021-02-05 21:30:00
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Broeders van Sint JanDe Broeders van Sint Jan hebben hun leven aan God gewijd, ten dienste van God en hun naasten. Zij willen leven volgens het Evangelie van Jezus Christus en zich door hun gebed en hun activiteiten inzetten voor jong en oud.

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