Familie van Sint Jan

Een religieuze familie binnen de katholieke Kerk



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Welkom bij de familie van Sint Jan

Christus navolgen, zoals de Heilige Johannes Hem is gevolgd. Gezonden zijn naar degenen die dorst hebben naar waarheid en liefde. Plaatsen van vorming en gemeenschap aanbieden aan degenen die op zoek zijn naar zingeving, in het bijzonder jongeren en gezinnen.

“Het leven is verschenen, wij hebben het gezien,
wij getuigen ervan” (1 Joh 1,2)

Contemplatie – Getuigenis – Gemeenschap

Geschreven door 
in Nieuws
Hits 60963

European conference: Roots of Unity

ViennaVienna and Bratislava
27th-30st March 2014

Apply here

Rather unexpected the European Union won the 2012 Nobelprice for Peace. At the same time, the economic situation of many EU-countries is a serious threat to the unity of Europe. Thus, we invite students and young professionals to gather in March 2014 in the centre of Europe, halfway Vienna and Bratislava. We will deepen our understanding of the fundaments of European unifying. We will focus on the Christian roots of our society and discover how a new understanding of the law of nature can give us a ‘listening heart’ for how we could see Europe of tomorrow. Come and join the Brothers of Saint John in an atmosphere of encounter and prayer, to search together for wisdom and truth.



More than a fifty young people will come together with the Brothers of Saint John to discover:

Fundament of unity

    Natural law: understanding the unity of mankind 

The making of unity

   The role of the United Nations and the Habsburg Empire

Christian roots

   Discovering key contributions to our society

Unity issues for tomorrow

   Searching for answers...

Come and visit Vienna and Bratislava with us, 
reflect with experts, experience Europe
with more than fifty students and young professionals
coming from all over Europe,
in a setting ideal for seeking the truth,
meeting others and for prayer...


Conditions for application
between 20 and 30 

Speaking English is required for attending this conference.

Costs: 150 € 
This conference costs 50 € for those who have to travel to Austria.
Your will have to arrange by your own means (or with your nearest priory) the travel to Marchegg.
Having problems with traveling expenses: please contact your nearest priory to help you.

27th - 30st March 2014 (travelling on the 26th and the 31st)

For more information, please contact
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Apply here

Interested? Please subscribe as soon as possible!



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Broeders van Sint JanDe Broeders van Sint Jan hebben hun leven aan God gewijd, ten dienste van God en hun naasten. Zij willen leven volgens het Evangelie van Jezus Christus en zich door hun gebed en hun activiteiten inzetten voor jong en oud.

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