Familie van Sint Jan

Een religieuze familie binnen de katholieke Kerk

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Christus navolgen, zoals de Heilige Johannes Hem is gevolgd. Gezonden zijn naar degenen die dorst hebben naar waarheid en liefde. Plaatsen van vorming en gemeenschap aanbieden aan degenen die op zoek zijn naar zingeving, in het bijzonder jongeren en gezinnen.

“Het leven is verschenen, wij hebben het gezien,
wij getuigen ervan” (1 Joh 1,2)

Contemplatie – Getuigenis – Gemeenschap

Geschreven door  Secretariaat
in Nieuws
Hits 25803

Studiedag Truth, what is that?

Studiedag Truth, what is that?

Studiedag what is truth

Does the value of what you think or say depend upon the force or conviction of your opinion? Is it possible to look for or find what is true, even if there is disagreement? Who am I to know what is true? What about my doubts? What are doubts and can I know anything for sure if there are doubts? Are doubts the same as questions and critical reflexion? Is a doubt the same as a suspicion and how do these play a (helpful and healthy) role my approach to reality, be that people, opinions or God Himself?

The modern era has seen many thinkers who put doubt and suspicion as primary in our lives and contact with others. How has this teaching developed and what are its foundations? Fr Thomas will teach about all these questions and more and help us see more clearly how we can progress in seeking understanding and experience. He will adress the most sensitive and central issues concerning knowledge, truth, reality and relativism in our times.


Le P Thomas Joachim prieur general Communaute Saint Jean 0 730 400

Br Thomas Joachim, csj., studied philosophy at the Institut de Philosophie Comparee in Paris, and philosophy and theology at the Ecole Saint Jean, before completing a Masters in philosophy at the University of Lyon, specialing in the works of Jean Paul Sartre. He has taught extensively on topics involved in ancient and modern philosophy, at the various institutes of formation of the Congregation of Saint John around the world, and in diocesain seminaries. He is currently the prior general of the Congregation.

The entry fee is 15 euros. Please register via the website!

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Broeders van Sint JanDe Broeders van Sint Jan hebben hun leven aan God gewijd, ten dienste van God en hun naasten. Zij willen leven volgens het Evangelie van Jezus Christus en zich door hun gebed en hun activiteiten inzetten voor jong en oud.

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