Familie van Sint Jan

Een religieuze familie binnen de katholieke Kerk

Welkom bij de familie van Sint Jan

Christus navolgen, zoals de Heilige Johannes Hem is gevolgd. Gezonden zijn naar degenen die dorst hebben naar waarheid en liefde. Plaatsen van vorming en gemeenschap aanbieden aan degenen die op zoek zijn naar zingeving, in het bijzonder jongeren en gezinnen.

“Het leven is verschenen, wij hebben het gezien,
wij getuigen ervan” (1 Joh 1,2)

Contemplatie – Getuigenis – Gemeenschap

Geschreven door  JohannesAcademy International
in Nieuws
Hits 69213

European conference: Religion and modern man

astronautBrussels, 16th-20th May 2012

- Applications before the 28th of April

Apply here

Modernity brings so many new questions to mankind, as science and technology shape his new identity. Does religion, and in particular Christianity, have anything to offer to the future of our modern Europe? Where do you find wisdom for life?


More than a hundred young people will come together with the Brothers of Saint John to discover:

Panorama: the world as it works today

    Challenges of modern times
  •   Where has progress lead us?
  •   Tolerance and truth / relativism and freedom
  •   Religion and atheism
  •   The impact of the media

Europe and Christianity

   Christianity in the making and future of Europe

  •   Christian humanism at the service of our society
  •   A new Christian creativity for the future

Ethics and modernity

   To each man his own ethics? Private life,
   professional life - where is the balance?
  •   Theories of gender and the importance of the family
  •   Finding fulfillment, even in professional life
  •   Questions of bioethics

A question of absolutes

   Does modern man need God?
  •   Art and openness to the transcendant
  •   The Question of God
  •   How the Church responds
  •   Towards rediscovering Metaphysics

Come and visit Brussels with us, reflect with experts,
experience Europe with a hundred students
and young professionals coming from all over Europe,
in a setting ideal for seeking the truth,
meeting others and for prayer...

Interested? Let us know before the 28th of April!

Apply here
Since the number of participants is limited, a selection will be made before the 28th of April 2012
You will be asked to send a motivation letter. 


Conditions for application
between 20 and 30 

Speaking English is required for attending this conference.

Costs: 100 € 

This price includes full-board accommodation (www.stjean-libramont.be)
and other expenses for four days and five nights. The journey to Belgium is not included.

16th - 20th May 2012

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Broeders van Sint JanDe Broeders van Sint Jan hebben hun leven aan God gewijd, ten dienste van God en hun naasten. Zij willen leven volgens het Evangelie van Jezus Christus en zich door hun gebed en hun activiteiten inzetten voor jong en oud.

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